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"Get Hooked on Georgia"

American Eel Comments

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User: skwotingdog
Comment: So following my previous post, i am looking for a spot in Maine that has a large number of these eels, preferably some large ones. They taste great rolled in flour and fried in Butter, with salt and Vinegar and French Fries(Chips)...If anyone knows of some good locations please message me here Thank you
Date: 05/22/15 08:46 AM

User: skwotingdog
Comment: I used to fish for these in the canals in UK. For small to medium eels the best bait in my opinion is Earth Worms/Night Crawlers. For larger eels small dead fish left to start rotting a little. The bites on dead bait start with a pick up and short run, dont strike yet! they will stop to reajust the bait to swallow head first so the point of the hook needs to face the tail. once the run starts again is the time to strike as they move like a snake to help swallow the bait.
Date: 05/22/15 08:43 AM

User: live4fish
Comment: They love bacon and sea clams. They have a distinct hit--one-to-two strong taps, and you either hook them or not. They rarely circle back.
Date: 05/17/14 07:16 PM

User: rogere
Comment: Seems like the comments come from lots of people who love to kill non humans for fun.
Date: 03/02/14 02:50 PM

User: hooklineandsinker
Comment: I would love to get one of these fish on the other end of my line. What bait works best????
Date: 01/29/14 09:17 PM

User: wmuse8863
Comment: cauht my first eel the other night with a buddy brought along some shimp to snack on ran out of worms catching kibbies threw a shrimp on the hook caught a easy 3 foot about 5 pound eel it was as thick as my forearm and gave up a huge fight once on land the real fight started with trying to get the hook out
Date: 07/08/11 02:52 AM

User: hockeyjohnson
Comment: Man these are all over but I NEVER catch them. Like millpond, I have been fishing there non-stop for years and never caught one. Then I go with a friend who has fished it mabye once or twice aand he catches one. ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Then at molders fish farm I have fished there many times then ponmagic66 catches one. Most people find them a nuisance but I actually WANT to catch one.
Date: 03/08/11 09:12 PM

User: corsaircane
Comment: @altodd: I'm not familiar with that river in particular. But if I had to guess, I'd say there are more than a few eels in that river. My Grad school advisor always said "Any body of water that has a path to the ocean can hold eels". Also they can live pretty much in any body of water.
Date: 02/22/11 04:57 PM

User: spidercrab
Comment: i used to catch these snakes as a kid from the end of the wharfs on the water front in my town. clam necks were the bait of choice. one helluva fight, that's for sure. we used to strain like crazy trying to get it landed. one down side is they're extremely slimy and when they wrap around your bare legs (wearing shorts) it can really suk. i would bring them home for my neighbor who would smoke them. to eat, not to catch a buzz. :-) delicious. also the smaller ones are excellent striper bait, but that's another story.
Date: 02/22/11 01:41 AM

User: sabrehook
Comment: I caught a good sized American Eel tonight in the Souhegan River in Milford. It was about 2.5 feet long and I released it. My first time catching an eel and had no idea they were in there. I was using worms and it had just gotten dark, then Wham! Took a couple minutes to land it ... my drag was slipping. Great fun!
Date: 07/11/10 11:07 PM

User: davetroy
Comment: The American eel is the only catadromous fish in the Connecticut River basin, maturing in fresh or brackish water and then returning to the sea to spawn. Spawning occurs in autumn in the Sargasso Sea with each female releasing upwards of fifteen million eggs. These eggs hatch into ribbon-like larvae, "leptocephali", that are carried to the coasts by Gulf Stream currents. During this ocean phase, they undergo metamorphosis, becoming cylindrical in shape. The two-inch young eels, known as "elvers," migrate to rivers on the Gulf and Atlantic coasts, where the males remain in brackish water. The females migrate further upstream, preferring deeper water in lakes, rivers, and streams. Here they remain for four to ten years, spending their days buried in the substrate and feeding at night on a variety of invertebrates and fish. At sexual maturity, the eels return to the ocean, spawn, and die.
Date: 05/19/10 09:29 PM

User: altodd
Comment: Can you tell me how to clean the eel? Any special way? I want to take my kids fishing for them - also, do you know if there are any in the Contoocook River? Any special fishing tips? tks (new to list)
Date: 10/11/09 11:37 AM

User: bullshark
Comment: This is one of the most under-rated species out there. They are one of the easiest to clean and cook.
Date: 08/12/09 07:40 PM

User: napa
Comment: Nice picture!
Date: 08/12/09 01:50 PM

User: brettinbrookline
Comment: Townshend reservoir has good eel fishing but you will have to go at night.
Note: the park closes at 7 pm so you kind of have to find another way to get there.
Date: 08/10/09 09:27 PM

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