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smoked trout Recipe for Trout

Title: smoked trout
by thetroutfisherman123
Type: Entree
Servings: 6
Difficulty: Hard
Prep Time: 2 hours
Cook Time: 2hrs 30 min
Ingredients: For up to 2 lbs. of fish or fillets
½ gallon water (preferably bottled),
room temperature
1 C. salt (preferably Kosher)
½ C. brown sugar
3 T. lemon juice
1 t. onion powder
1 t. allspice
1 t. ground pepper
(this is for the brine solution)
Directions: Mix ingredients in a glass or ceramic container until thoroughly dissolved.
Place fish in brine, ensuring all pieces are completely submerged. Put dinner plates on top of fish or fillets to keep them underwater.
depending on the size of the fish soak
1/2lb filets up to 45 min
1lb -> 1 hour
2 lbs -> 2 hours (maybe overnight if you want to)
Remove fish from brine, lightly rinse in cold water, and pat dry.

Place fish on lightly oiled bakers racks.
Elevate racks in front of a fan. Dry for one hour to produce a thin glaze, called a pellicle, on the fillet. This makes the smoked fish tastier, firmer, and more attractive.

Hardwoods such as alder, apple, oak, and cherry—all sold commercially as chips—work well for smoking fish. Remember that a little wood goes a long way. Too much smoke will make the fish taste bitter.
Smoke at 190 degrees:
Weight of each*
piece of fish or fillet Time**
¼ lb. to ½ lb. 1.25 hours
½ lb. to 1 lb. 1.5 to 2 hours
1 lb. to 2 lbs. 2 to 2.5 hours
* Total weight is irrelevant
** For skin-on fish, increase time by 25%
Fish are done when they flake easily with a fork or when the internal temperature reaches 140 degrees.
Remove and elevate racks so fish can cool for 30 minutes. Wrap in foil and place in a ziplock-type bag to refrigerate or freeze.
Other Notes: hope this is helpful, i had used this formula from a website, and I changed it a little for personal taste. the smoker you can make out of many things from sticks, with a tarp for a teepee, to an actual smoker, to any homemade contraption. hope this is helpful
Date Added: 04/04/14 07:42 AM

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